Meyer Burger and Magog sign a distribution agreement for a slate roof solar system

Meyer Burger Technology AG and the Schiefergruben Magog GmbH & Co. KG sign a distribution agreement for the product "Meyer Burger Slate". The new product is a variant of "Meyer Burger Tile", Meyer Burger's solar roof tile, and e.g. suitable for the reconstruction and preservation of roofs of listed buildings. "Meyer Burger Slate" will be available from Magog across Europe from the third quarter of this year.

"This small-format and aesthetic solar roof tile with its uniform gray appearance fits harmoniously into slate roofs, making the solar energy transition possible even for houses listed for historic preservation," says Frank Hötzsch, division manager at Meyer Burger. "We are very pleased about the agreement with Magog, a proven expert in the field of slate roof products and applications."

Meyer Burger will supply Magog with "Meyer Burger Slate" starting in August. The housing, made of powder-coated aluminum* and special glass, incorporates high-performance solar cells from Meyer Burger, which are produced in Germany using the company's own patent-protected heterojunction SmartWire technology. Final assembly is carried out by a partner in Europe. With the new product variant, it is possible to integrate a solar system into sloped slate roofs and completely cover their surface with high-performance solar technology.

"The new Meyer Burger Slate for Magog features high energy yield and is easy to install and maintain for roofers," says Georg Guntermann, managing partner of Magog. “This new Meyer Burger product perfectly harmonizes with a slate roof in the color slate gray and is structurally integrated through the use of glare-free, textured solar glass.”

The first pilot projects are already being implemented and will soon be finalized together with roofing customers. The 2.7 kilogram "Meyer Burger Slate - Magog Slate Edition" are interconnected using standard MC4 connectors and routed to the inverter via classic string cables. All connecting cables and plug contacts remain hidden under the solar roof tiles, are protected against weather influences and classified as hard roofing.


10.05.2023, Meyer Burger

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