Onyx Solar has announced the installation of a groundbreaking photovoltaic glass canopy at Newark Airport's new Terminal A in New Jersey. The drop-off canopy is located at the departures area.


The installation includes 540 crystalline silicon photovoltaic glass panels with different dimensions, totaling 2,211 m2 (23,800 sqft). The Onyx Solar PV laminated safety glass is made of two plies of fully tempered glass with PERC solar cells embedded in it. This innovative canopy will allow the airport to generate free electricity from the sun while protecting passengers from sunlight and weather conditions. Also, the PV canopy will help reducing the airport's carbon footprint and energy costs.


Onyx Solar’s innovative technology is also designed to meet the strict regulations of the airport, including compliance with glare and glint requirements and bird-safe regulations. There are regulations that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) takes very seriously to ensure the safety of the whole air transportation system.


Newark Liberty International Airport, which receives over 40 million passengers annually, is implementing remarkable measures to improve its sustainability and aims to achieve LEED Silver certification. The installation of this photovoltaic canopy is an important milestone in the airport's journey towards sustainability, and Onyx Solar is proud to be contributing to the development of sustainable infrastructure in the United States.

Collaboration with some of the major players within the construction sector was the basis for this project: Grimshaw Architects, Heintges, Permasteelisa North America and Tutor Perini with Parsons formed a dream team to deliver a espectacular new terminal. Onyx Solar looks forward to partnering with other organizations and institutions to further advance the use of renewable energy in the built environment

01.05.2023, ONYX SOLAR

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