GPD Finland 2023 Timetable Released!

Workshops will be held on June 13 and 14. Please find more info at

The opening ceremony will be graced by distinguished professionals. Their names and presentation topics will be released closer to the event.

The technical conference presentations part will have 6 parallel sessions that will be held June 15 and 16.

The conference exhibition part will host glass industry companies, media, associations, research, and academic institutions. This will provide a rich platform for networking and commercial discussions with likeminded professionals. A limited number of exhibition booths are available for sale. They are allocated on a first come, first severed basis. For more information and to reserve a booth, please go to
The 2023 Step Change event will be held in conjunction with the exhibition. It will introduce startups and scale-ups to present new technologies and disruptive ideas to stimulate growth and development in the industry. The program of the event is under production and will be released soon.
To access and download the final program, click the following link: GPD Finland 2023 Final Program

Participant registration for the conference and workshops is ongoing via the GPD website.

More information at

To book your seat, go to and follow the provided instructions to register.
Hotel accommodation
For your convenience, GPD has a limited number of rooms allocated in some hotels in Tampere. To reserve a room and get the GPD rate, please go to GPD Finland 2023 Hotels

Flights to Tampere are now cheaper. Book early and save!

We look forward to receiving your registration and participation in GPD 2023.

28.04.2023, GPD

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