Developing Today’s Ingenious Ideas to Solve Tomorrow’s Challenges

The Vitro X™ Innovation Partnerships is Vitro’s newest strategic partnership program that combines Vitro’s vision for innovation, expertise in architectural glass technology and the strength of our connections to identify and develop solutions to existing and future challenges in the glass industry.

As an incubator for innovation, Vitro X™ Innovation Partnerships program enables Vitro to collaborate with future-focused companies as an early investor to support their work and shepherd their groundbreaking ideas including new functionalities and services for building owners and homeowners, from the drawing board to the production line, installation, maintenance and beyond.

Through Vitro X™ Innovation Partnerships, Vitro is teaming up with a select group of growing businesses that are developing revolutionary technologies with the potential to impact the future of the glass industry. Together, Vitro and its partners will bring new products and services to market that will enhance and protect glass surfaces, reduce the need for exterior glass maintenance and even make outdoor venues healthier.

Current Partners


Headquartered in Pittsburgh, Pa., AERAS is an emerging technology company specializing in advanced drone applications. AERAS drones have the capacity to serve as an alternative to traditional commercial window and glass façade washing, which can support both building owners/operators and facility managers.

The company challenges the standards of drone technology with its revolutionizing research, such as developing the only drone in the world operating with a charged-electrostatic disbursement system. AERAS is also the first company in the United States certified by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to use drones to provide decontamination services against viral contaminants such as COVID-19 at large gathering spaces like outdoor event venues, which has created a new standard in large-scale sanitization.

29.03.2023, Vitro

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