Meyer Burger’s high-performance solar modules receive certification for sale in the UK

MCS certification attests Meyer Burger’s compliance with high quality standards for module production line in Germany 

Label is a requirement for sales in the private roof and C&I segment below 50 kilowatts 

First British distributor and about 20 installation partners now offer Meyer Burger products 


Meyer Burger Technology AG is expanding the sales footprint for its high-performance solar modules in the UK market: The British testing company BRE has certified the module production in Germany according to the MCS standard, thus attesting to the high quality standard of the production facilities. The MCS label is a requirement for solar modules to be installed in residential rooftop systems. Meyer Burger thus takes another strategic step towards European expansion by opening up the new market segment.

Meyer Burger is entering the new market well prepared. Wind & Sun is the first distributor in the UK to include Meyer Burger in its portfolio, and about 20 installers have already registered to sell Meyer Burger. With the MCS certificate, there are now new opportunities for sales in the UK, as well as the option of new partnerships. “For Meyer Burger’s UK team, the successful certification is an important milestone,” says Scott McDaniel, Head of Sales for the UK and Ireland. “I am very excited about the opportunity to work with our partners as we build a new vision for solar in the British and Irish isles.” 

The once-strong UK solar market has been back in growth since the release of the government’s new energy security strategy in April 2022. In the years prior, it had come to a virtual standstill following several policy decisions. By 2035, the government aims to increase installed capacity to 70 gigawatts.

27.02.2023, Meyer Burger

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