In Stratford, Ontario (Canada), the Group took part in the building of a new theatre. Different Saint-Gobain solutions played a part in the success of this work, especially with nearly 7-meter-high façade glazing and acoustic solutions. 

Since its first edition in 1953, the Stratford Festival has attracted over 28 million spectators. After years of loyal service, it was time to replace the old Tom Patterson Theatre (named after the festival's founder). This is now done, with a new building of more than 7,000 square meters opened in 2022. 


This new theatre was designed by the architectural firm Hariri Pontarini, for a budget of over €70 million. Located on the banks of the Avon River, in Stratford (Canada) the building fits perfectly into its environment thanks to curved facades entirely glazed by Saint-Gobain. The extra-clear DIAMANT® glazing chosen is characterized by its very high transparency, giving an impression of continuity of space. Combined with the COOL-LITE® SKN range, this insulating glass helps reduce heating and cooling costs in interior spaces. It is therefore the ideal compromise for an architectural project of this scale, with glass panels up to almost 7 meters high. 

The Saint-Gobain Group also participated in this project through its Decoustics brand. The Rondolo® solution was chosen to guarantee exceptional acoustics in the performance rooms. With micro-perforated wood panels, this solution has unmatched properties in its category, such as excellent fire resistance, optimal sound absorption and sustainable management of the resources used in manufacturing. 

Whether in the living areas of the theatre or in the heart of the performance, Saint-Gobain is contributing to the quality and sustainability of this unique venue.

02.02.2023, Saint Gobain

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