Meyer Burger’s shareholders approve the ordinary capital increase with a large majority and support the path of accelerated growth for the company

At the Extraordinary General Meeting held in Thun on October 28, 2022, the shareholders of Meyer Burger Technology AG (“Meyer Burger” or the “Company”) approved the proposal of the Board of Directors, with 98.58 percent of the votes represented, to carry out an ordinary capital increase by issuing up to 934,671,850 new registered shares with a par value of CHF 0.05 per registered share. At the Extraordinary General Meeting, a total of 1,111,844,450 shares (41.63 percent of the shares issued) were represented by 302 shareholders on site.


Chairman of the Board of Directors Franz Richter on the decision of the General Meeting: “We would like to thank all shareholders for their trust and for supporting our growth strategy.”


Information regarding the rights offering

The capital increase shall take the form of a rights offering to existing shareholders. Meyer Burger shareholders will receive one subscription right for each registered share they hold as of October 31, 2022 (after close of trading). The subscription rights are expected to be traded on the SIX Swiss Exchange from November 1, 2022 to November 7, 2022 and, subject to legal restrictions of foreign jurisdictions, will be exercisable from November 1, 2022 to November 9, 2022, 12:00 noon CET. The listing and the first trading day of the new registered shares on the SIX Swiss Exchange are expected to be on November 11, 2022. The Board of Directors reserves the right to adjust the timetable.


Shareholders should receive information from their custodian bank in due course about the implementation of the ordinary capital increase and are requested to proceed in accordance with the instructions of the custodian bank if they wish to subscribe for shares and exercise their subscription rights.

08.11.2022, Meyer Burger

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