Zignago Vetro thus reinforces its production of glass molds

Zignago Vetro S.p.a. has finalized the acquisition of the entire share capital of Italian Glass Moulds S.r.l. (IGM), an Italian company with its headquarters and factory at Portogruaro, specializing in the production and sale of molds for the glass industry. The operation was carried out by the Group with our own funds, confirming the financial soundness of Zignago Vetro and the conviction that led to this investment.

Roberto Cardini, Chief Executive Officer of Zignago Vetro S.p.A., explains the nature of the operation: “This acquisition is very important because it is at the same time a diversification from the Group’s core business but also in synergy with it.” IGM operates in a sector of fundamental importance for the production of glass containers. It is a company that needs relaunching but, as Roberto Cardini explains, Zignago Vetro “is confident of the success of this operation” because “it is the Group’s primary goal to expand its production capacity and broaden the range it can offer the market both in Italy and abroad, ensuring the highest levels of quality, innovation and service”. 

IGM has been in business since 2020, after taking over Busellato Glass Moulds S.r.l., a long-standing mold-producing company. It currently employs about 40 people and in 2021 reported revenues of approximately 3 million Euro, with around 20% from abroad. It has distinguished itself over the years with the high quality of its products, the professionalism of its service and its capacity for innovation, and it can count on modern plant, its own technology, and consolidated know-how: the ideal characteristics for becoming a fundamental cog in the wheel of Zignago Vetro. 

12.10.2022, Zignago Vetro

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