Get ready for GPD 2023 in Tampere

GPD is the world’s leading forum dedicated to the development of the glass industry through the exchange of ideas, concepts, and innovations. The next event will be held in Tampere, Finland, on June 14–17, 2023.

Why attend GPD 2023?

We’ve been through couple of unprecedented years. It is vital for us to move on and determine the way to go. And not just move on, but move forward, transform and grow. But how can we grow – and keep growing over the long term? That’s what the theme of GPD Finland 2023 addresses – “Way to Grow.”

“Way to Grow” offers you many paths to take you where you want to go. You may be seeking insightful knowledge, wider professional networks, or new opportunities to take your business to higher levels.

In GPD, you can share your ideas or technologies with experts across the entire industry value chain. You can hear the latest findings firsthand from numerous live presentations and join a wide range of discussions and networking activities. It is a place for many experiences.

Calling for speakers, workshops, and sponsors

To keep growing, we and our organizations need transformative capabilities. We must be able to integrate, restructure and build internal and external resources to successfully deal with today’s fast-changing environment. With transformation in mind, we are now calling for abstracts from speakers and workshop proposals. You will find the suggested topics and abstract submission instructions at 

The deadline for submitting abstracts and workshop proposals is November 20, 2022.

You also have the possibility to support the event. You can get added exposure for your products and services by becoming a GPD sponsor. If you wish to receive more information on our sponsorship deals and other opportunities to engage, please contact Brown Onduso at brown.onduso[at]

Step Change

GPD Finland 2023 would not be the same without Step Change. Introduced in 2017, the Step Change program is a way to develop and promote innovation throughout the glass industry value chain. Its success has made Step Change one of the rock-solid elements of GPD.

The purpose is to move the glass industry forward by connecting startup entrepreneurs with industry professionals to network, exchange ideas and showcase innovations. Many revolutionary business ideas have spring up through Step Change’s proactive acceleration of these networking opportunities.

This year, we invite everyone interested to join our Step Change Base Camp 2023. Along with startups, we’re looking for university spinoffs, research projects or even more established companies. When you have an idea, let’s discuss it!
For more info about Step Change, please contact Marko Mökkönen at marko.mokkonen[at]

Remember to follow us on LinkedIn at  Glass Performance Days (GPD) LinkedIn  and twitter at GPDconference.

29.09.2022, GPD

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