MAGNI TH and euroTECH mark their partnership with a joint appearance at BAUMA 2022

End of June, euroTECH managing director Thomas Schulz travelled to Castelfranco Emilia in Italy to seal an important partnership: Magni Telescopic Handlers Srl, a local manufacturer of telehandlers, has chosen the eT-Litocran700 as an add-on module for the precision vacuum lifters used in its products.

This new collaboration between two innovative companies will offer unprecedented levels of precision and mobility to customers seeking to moving loads with telehandlers. The Magni family look back on 50 years of experience in mechanical engineering with a focus on telescopic handlers. As early as 1980, their company – then trading under the name FARGH – designed and constructed the first reach forklifts with a patented boom in continental Europe. Following a joint venture with a global industry leader, the Magni family decided to forge its own path in developing innovative heavy-duty telehandlers in 2013. Drawing from its own strengths and experiences, they founded Magni Telescopic Handlers Srl, initially with a team of ten. Today, MAGNI TH employs 450 members of staff around the world and produces more than 3000 units every year. An efficient decision-making process and a keen understanding of its customers’ needs have made this steep and successful growth curve possible.

Of course, euroTECH in Rosenfeld adhere to the exact same philosophy, so Thomas Schulz and Carlo Magni found it easy to come to an agreement. With their Litocran, the specialists for vacuum lifting technology have filled a very specific gap between telehandlers and vacuum lifters. Unlike other devices currently available on the market, the Litocran is equipped with a highly sensitive 3D control system offering maximal mobility across the last few centimetres. It enables the user to carry out all movements with millimetre precision. This is particularly interesting for facade engineers, for instance, as it allows them to install even hard-to-place elements rapidly with minimal staff. The system completely eliminates the need for elaborate preparations. In times of surging building costs and personnel shortages, this constitutes a considerable competitive advantage for the window and facade sector, especially when the combination of a MAGNI telehandler and the et-Litocran700 can be sourced cost-efficiently from an equipment hire provider.

High flexibility

Users of the Litocran do not need to set up scaffolding to install, repair or replace window and facade elements. Instead, the elements are simply loaded onto the Litocran on the ground, which is easily possible even on construction sites with less-than-ideal surface conditions for the transport rack. The Litocran can, for example, reach across an A rack and manoeuvre individual elements to their precise installation site at a height of up to 50 metres depending on the lifting height of the MAGNI telehandler.

MAGNI TH and Litocran at BAUMA

The ‘red gazelle’, as the Litocran has been dubbed for its remarkable speed and precision, provides clear value to customers of MAGNI TH. Its seamless integration in the form of controls, hydraulics and energy supply was an obvious choice for managing director Carlo Magni. Visitors to BAUMA 2022 will be able to admire the Litocran at the MAGNI TH booth at Freigelände Süd 1108/3, where the combination of MAGNI telehandlers and the eT-Litocran700 will be on impressive display. The joint appearance of the two partners will also grant insights into future installation possibilities in the window and facade sector.

27.09.2022, euroTECH

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