Advanced Energy Showcases Measurement and Power Technologies for Glass Production at glasstec 2022

Advanced Energy Industries, Inc.– a global leader in highly engineered, precision power conversion, measurement and control solutions – will be featuring monitoring and power technologies for every stage of the glass production process at the glasstec in Düsseldorf from September 20-23, 2022.

At booth D31 in Hall 15, Advanced Energy will showcase its wide range of technologies optimized for the production and coating of flat glass, solar glass, container glassware, utility glassware and technical glass products. On display are the company’s latest temperature measurement and plasma power supplies that deliver the accuracy, repeatability, reliability and efficiency required to optimize productivity and reduce waste.

Among the power technologies on the Advanced Energy booth will be advanced RF, pulsed-DC, and bipolar pulsed-DC power supplies featuring sophisticated arc management capabilities and digital SCR power controllers that increase performance control accuracy. Thermal monitoring demonstrations will feature non-contact thermal imaging and flexible pyrometry platforms that provide the robust and precise temperature measurement that is critical for efficient and cost-effective melting, glass viscosity control, heat zone adjustment, annealing and stress reduction.

AE is hosting a Global Services User Group discussion to further showcase its portfolio and upgrades for the glasstec community, including a live demo of its thermal imaging system.
The meeting will take place on Thursday, September 22 from 2 – 4 PM at Messe Düsseldorf, meeting Room 10.1A. Seating is limited.
Please email if you would like to join or stop by our booth.

Learn more about Advanced Energy at glasstec 2022:

09.09.2022, Advanced Energy Industries, Inc.

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