futronic is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. Johannes Dimmler and Bernhard Kubik, two untiring contributors to much of the company's long history, have now retired from active working life.
You’re always loath to let go of deserving employees. But sooner or later, their time at the company inevitably comes to an end. Two more long-time companions have now reached an age where it’s time to step aside and take well-earned retirement. Bernhard Kubik was with futronic for almost 37 years and Johannes Dimmler for 38. Both of them had become part of the furniture, as it were, and they’re already sorely missed.
futronic would be a different company without them
Dimmler and Kubik played a crucial role in the development of the CIMOG machine control system. Without them there would also have been no EPRO, no FMT24S and no EPRO Upgrade Kit. They’re both people who know a tremendous amount about the complex processes involved in container glass production. It’s fair to say that without Johannes Dimmler and without Bernd Kubik, futronic would be a different company.
Reliable problem solver
Kubik was a service technician who was employed in quality assurance. As such, he was responsible and accountable for testing and repairing control systems. He also travelled a lot for us over the years, putting systems of all sizes into operation for customers throughout the world. And if there was a problem to be solved somewhere, he was particularly good at finding and fixing the error fast, so that colleagues and customers alike knew they could rely on him absolutely.
At the dividing line between hardware and software development
Johannes Dimmler worked for many years as a programmer in software development and was mainly responsible for designing embedded software, programming microcontrollers and control systems and controlling software quality. As project manager, his job at the dividing line between hardware and software development was to assist his colleagues in Technical Support. For almost four decades, Johannes made sure our customers’ control systems and machines interacted and functioned perfectly, or as near perfectly as possible.
Helping to shape technological advances
Right up until their last day at work, Bernd Kubik and Johannes Dimmler felt very much at home at futronic in the company of their colleagues: “The atmosphere there and the team spirit couldn’t be better”, said Johannes at his farewell. He also enjoyed the new and exciting challenges he was regularly asked to tackle as well as the varied and diverse nature of his work. “I never had time to get bored,” he explained. And as a confirmed technophile, he added, “I think it's great that I’ve not just been an onlooker but an architect of futronic’s technological advances”.
Tasty snacks and a good way to end
At a small ceremony attended by the entire staff, Managing Director Michael Preuss thanked his two long-time companions for their outstanding service to futronic. Preuss could not resist sharing a few anecdotes, which he punctuated with warm words and his inimitable sense of humour. He described it as “a good way to end” and wished Johannes Dimmler and Bernd Kubik all the best and plenty of time to relax as they embarked on this new phase in their lives.
19.08.2022, futronic
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