From hot to cold: everything from a single source

Grenzebach and SORG, leading suppliers of glass production technology, combine their know-how to support their customers in an even more holistic way

Foundation of the GSE (GS Engineering GmbH) to provide engineering services around the production and processing of glass


LOHR AM MAIN, HAMLAR/Germany. The family-owned companies Grenzebach Maschinenbau GmbH and Nikolaus Sorg GmbH & Co. KG will cooperate more closely in the future. This cooperation is reflected in the foundation of the joint company GS Engineering GmbH (GSE).

Grenzebach and SORG thereby ideally complement their own scope of supply and services as leading suppliers in their respective market segments and technology pioneers.

GSE will support the activities of their partners Grenzebach and SORG as leading suppliers for the glass industry – in particular in the development of overall projects with complementary services for works planning, architectural and construction planning, planning of the complete media and power supply, as well as services for project management, construction supervision, commissioning up to technical assistance and production support. In doing so, they will ensure that customers have full access to the latest technological developments for sustainable and state-of-the-art glass production.

At glasstec in Dusseldorf from 20 to 23 September 2022, GS Engineering GmbH will introduce themselves to their expert audience and customers in more detail at the booths of Grenzebach and SORG in the hall 15.

09.08.2022, Grenzebach

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