Technical News Bulletin

Bucher Emhart Glass Data Interfaces – IS machine counters – IS machine settings and values – Sensor data from Gob Radar, Blank radar, PPC, FlexRadar – Inspection results from BEG inspection machines (wall thickness, rejects etc.)

Introduction Data analysis is becoming more and more important to reach higher pack rates and constant high quality.

The BEG data interfaces offer a single point of access to data that is available from BEG IS machines, BEG sensors and BEG inspection machines. The collected data can then be used and collected in any desired data collection system, for example plant information systems, MES systems or machine learning tools. This facilitates the process and data analysis significantly. The BEG Data Interfaces allow to retrieve the following data.

▪ IS machine counters

▪ IS machine settings and values

▪ Sensor data from Gob Radar, Blank radar, PPC, FlexRadar

▪ Inspection results from BEG inspection machines (wall thickness, rejects etc.) Depending on the data that should be accessed different hardware and interfaces are needed. 


Data Access as a service The Advanced Data Interface is offered as a service. This service contains the following: ▪ Usage of all necessary software ▪ configuration of the necessary hardware ▪ remote installation of the necessary software ▪ regular remote updates of software including additional values and settings ▪ remote support and remote audits How to access and documentation The data can be accessed via a REST API and will be provided in a JSON format. Both REST API and JSON are IT standards that are well known to programmers. The Data Interfaces therefore target programmers that collect data and want to connect this data to MES systems, Machine learning algorithms or use it in any other way. The complete online documentation of the interfaces contains a detailed description of the available data, the access to it and also functional tests of the interface. Requirements The requirements are listed in Table 1 and depend on the kind of data access. The installation is covered by the service.


22.06.2022, Emhart

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