Markus Nikles has been appointed as the new Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Meyer Burger

Meyer Burger Technology AG has appointed Markus Nikles to the Executive Board as the new Chief Financial Officer (CFO). He will assume his position on 1 September 2022. 

The Swiss national, Markus Nikles (born in 1972 in Interlaken) is a result-orientated CFO with an international track record. As CFO in the Meyer Burger Group, he will be responsible for the fields of finance, controlling, IT, risk management, internal control system and investor relations. 

For more than 20 years, Markus Nikles has gained prior experience within leading positions in the field of finance with the Swiss Bühler Group, working in Switzerland, the US, Germany and China. He has vast knowledge of financial management within major international companies, group and project controlling, liquidity planning, cash pooling and net working capital management.

In 2005, Markus Nikles obtained an Executive Master of Corporate Finance (EMCF) at the IFZ, Institute of Financial Services Zug (Switzerland). Before that, he graduated from University of Applied Science Chur (Switzerland) with a degree in Business Administration.

Chairman of the Board of Directors, Franz Richter: “In Markus Nikles, we have been able to recruit a CFO with roots in Switzerland but who also has personal knowledge of the US, Germany and Asia. His extensive professional experience in an international industrial group, his in-depth expertise and his pragmatic attitude are very valuable assets with regard to the further growth phase of our company.”

Until the new CFO assumes his position, his responsibilities will continue to be shared among the other members of the Executive Board. The former CFO, Nathalie Benedikt, left the company at the end of March 2022 for personal reasons.

04.05.2022, Meyer Burger

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