Berlin Packaging, the world’s largest Hybrid Packaging Supplier®, announced today the acquisition of Panvetri, a family-owned supplier of glass and metal packaging for the wine and olive oil industries.

Founded in 1998 and headquartered in Modugno (Bari) in southern Italy, Panvetri serves a wide range of wine estates, cooperative wineries, oil mills, and food manufacturers, mainly in the Apulia and Basilicata regions. In addition to wine and olive oil bottles, Panvetri’s portfolio includes beer, spirits, and sparkling wine bottles, olive oil cans, food jars, and closures. With its strong local presence and established sales team, Berlin Packaging can help Panvetri expand its product offerings.


Italy is a key country for the wine and olive oil industries, and Panvetri enriches our presence and expands our coverage of southern Italy.

Paolo Recrosio

CEO of Berlin Packaging EMEA


We are proud to join Berlin Packaging and bring our experience in southern Italy to the rest of the company. We are also keen to expand our product portfolio with Berlin Packaging's unique shapes and sizes that will now be available to our customers.

Alessandro Pantaleo

CEO of Panvetri


This acquisition is another testament to our commitment to growth in Europe. Panvetri strengthens our already robust presence in Italy and furthers our position as a leader in Italian food and beverage packaging.

Bill Hayes

Global CEO of Berlin Packaging


This is the 20th acquisition that Berlin Packaging has completed in EMEA (Europe, Middle East, and Africa) since 2016 and its 1st acquisition in EMEA in 2022. All employees and locations for this acquisition will be retained.

27.04.2022, Berlin Packaging

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