Zignago Vetro’s new Sustainability Report is online.

A fundamental document in our corporate strategy, now updated in its graphics and structure, which describes a virtuous program: our Report is this, but also much more. 

Despite the pandemic, our economic and financial results for 2021 surpassed all expectations. In terms of environmental sustainability, all of the principal indicators improved: electrical energy from renewable sources provided more than 45% of our needs; energy consumption was reduced by a further 3%, while water consumption decreased by over 33%; 50% of production was carried out with glass deriving from post-consumer recycling (PCR). These measures limited even more the CO2 emissions per ton of molten glass and allowed us to fix an ambitious strategic goal for 2030: a further reduction of 30% compared to the levels we have already achieved. We have also reinforced our focus on packaging, in order to minimize its consumption and maximize the use of recyclable materials.

Our commitment to recycling glass cullet has been implemented thanks partly to the efforts of Julia Vitrum S.p.A., an avant-garde plant that can guarantee the treatment of waste material in a way that is unique anywhere in the Northeast of Italy. In the same area, at our facility at Fossalta di Portogruaro, we have also begun installing a new furnace that will help increase the energy efficiency of our production site.

Many initiatives have been taken regarding worthwhile projects in the environmental, social and cultural spheres. These include support for reforestation, cleaning sea beds, and sustainable wine production (Gambero Rosso award); donations to help local institutions that look after individuals and families in difficulty, as well as to health providers; and support for cultural initiatives. In particular, 2021 was the year that witnessed the beginning of the "Zignago Vetro and Art" project, aimed at creating a closer rapport between art and business.

In spite of the path already taken and the excellent results achieved, a lot still remains to be done; however, we are sure that the reports for the years ahead will follow the same dynamic of continuous improvement.

19.04.2022, Zignago Vetro

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