NSG Received High Scores in the Commitment Line Syndication based on ESG/SDGs Evaluation by SMBC 25 Nov 2021

Nippon Sheet Glass Co., Ltd (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo, President and CEO: Shigeki Mori, hereafter “NSG”) received high scores in the commitment line syndication based on an ESG/SDGs evaluation, which was arranged by Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (hereafter “SMBC”), signed a loan contract.

In accordance with the standards prepared by SMBC and the Japan Research Institute, NSG was evaluated for its activities, disclosure information from the aspect of ESG, and contribution to achievement of SDGs, especially with high scores include:

E: In order to reduce GHG emissions generated by the manufacturing process, NSG set a goal of 21% reduction by 2030 compared to 2018 levels, and obtained SBT certification. NSG is actively introducing renewable energy (RNE), aiming to cover about 50% of the total power generation by RNE by 2024.

S: In order to enhance the effectiveness of CSR procurement, NSG legislated the "NSG Group Supplier Code of Conduct," and it continues to carry out sustainability evaluation and monitoring for and questionnaire surveys on their business partners. In addition, in order to promote the active participation of diverse human resources, NSG set its group goals on the following: promotion of local hires to management positions; and increasing the ratio of females among managers.

G: In the materials and media for shareholders, the top management of NSG has clarified that the Company will earnestly address subjects such as health, hygiene, environmental and energy issues, and that the Company will position its response to ESG at the center of corporate management.

SDGs: NSG is contributing toward resolving social challenges through product provision, such as the following: contribution toward reducing environmental burden through providing glass for solar panels and energy-saving glass; response to hygiene needs through providing PCR equipment and antibacterial / antivirus glass, etc.

NSG will continue contributions to achieve sustainable society for improving safety and life by providing Value Added products, reduction of impact on climate change.

26.11.2021, NSG

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