Passivhaus Standard also means optimising free heat such as sunlight as well as replacing heat losses by heat gains. Winter warmth and summer cooling ideally happen without traditional space heating systems or active cooling such as air conditioning. Even the orientation of the property has an effect on its performance.

Many homeowners think only new build homes can be as energy efficient as Passivhaus and designed with a good environmentally aware architect. Existing homes are much harder to transform to low energy properties as many building elements are already in place.

The reality is, Passivhaus standards can also be applied to retro-fit projects too. New insulation, fresh filtered air systems, added floor insulation and high quality glazing all help create a new and improved living environment. Not to mention a significant step towards eco living and substantially reduced energy bills.

The Solarlux glazing range is designed to give energy-conscious architects, homeowners or developers a genuine solution to creating a more energy efficient home. 

They’re the ideal glazing solution working with the other building materials as part of an overall project to a Passivhaus or low-energy home, with reduced heating and cooling requirements, better internal spaces, comfort and well-being.

 Advanced thermally insulated aluminium reduces cold bridging just like the requirements of Passivhaus. 

Triple glazing is another requirement and our products come with this high specification insulated glass option.

The exceptional sealing of every Solarlux product also ensures outstanding weather protection and prevention of air leakage.

Slim frames and expansive glass surfaces make the most of the sun.

When it comes to Energy Efficiency, Solarlux products promise exceptional U-Values down to as low as  0.8W/m²K with superb acoustics too.

There’s little point in a product performing well if it doesn’t provide the required look and feel. Solarlux products meet the design and aesthetic requirements, specified by leading architects and the product of choice for discerning homeowners.

Sophisticated styling and profile options work with both contemporary or traditional homes. Solarlux cero sliding doors come with consistent 34mm sightlines all round. Solarlux Highline bi-folding doors are the slimmest with 99mm door mullions, meeting today’s on-trend requirements for minimal frames and maximum glass.

Slimline advanced folding or sliding doors promise spectacular views and light-filled spaces when closed as well as helping to insulate the home. In the summer they provide the desirable seamless transition to the outside with effortless opening, neat stacking panels, low, minimal or even fully flush thresholds. Every Solarlux product comes with legendary German engineering and manufacturing quality, using the finest premium insulated aluminium, naturally insulating woods or a combination of both.

16.11.2021, solarlux

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