glasstec UPDATE Conference: How will the glass industry reduce its carbon footprint in future?

This topic is also highly relevant to the glass industry. Which is why the glasstec UPDATE Conference in Düsseldorf from 25 to 26 November 2021 will see experts from science and economy put their heads together to debate the pressing issues of the future and challenges for the global glass industry. They will shed light on forward-looking themes like alternative approaches to the manufacturing process, recycling processes as well as requirements for modern façades, which improve the CO2-neutrality of buildings. The entire agenda can be downloaded at

The Conference will be held in person but can also be followed online with the appropriate digital conference ticket. The conference language is German with English simultaneous interpretation.  

The programme at a glance

The first day will be all about glass production. Future models for CO2 and climate-neutral production as well as technologies and roadmaps to achieve these goals will be introduced and discussed. Speakers include Michael Marty from the Federal Environment Agency, Aston Fuller, the CEO of Glass Futures Ltd. and Lisa Rammig, Eckersley O’Callaghan and Florian Vogel from Hydro Building Systems Germany.

On the second day scientists and glass producers will present supporting products and ways towards climate-neutral urban planning and design. Speakers on the day will include Martin Stadler, Marketing Direktor at Saint-Gobain Glass Germany, Dr. Tilmann E. Kuhn, Fraunhofer ISE and Johannes Kreißig, CEO of DGNB GmbH.

By addressing the topic of CO2 neutrality with glass, the glasstec UPDATE Conference closes the gap to the themes trending at glasstec, which will be held from 20 to 23 September in Düsseldorf 2022.  

For more information on glasstec visit: and for ‘Expo for Decarbonised Industries > ENERGY STORAGE’ go to:

10.11.2021, glasstec

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