AMETEK Land to Present Combustion Optimisation of a Float Glass Furnace at GPC 2021

AMETEK Land, the world leader in high accuracy, non-contact temperature measurement systems, is bringing its solutions for the glass industry to the 82nd Conference on Glass Problems (GPC 2021) this November.

Organised by the Glass Manufacturing Industry Council and Alfred University, GPC 2021 is the premier glass industry conference, bringing together manufacturers and suppliers from around the world.

AMETEK Land will exhibit its temperature measurement solutions for the industry at the event held in the Greater Columbus Convention Center in Columbus, Ohio, USA, from 1-4 November.

In addition, independent consultant Neil G. Simpson, of Simpson Combustion and Energy Limited, and Philippe Kerbois, Global Industry Manager – Glass, from AMETEK Land, will give a presentation on “In-Furnace Thermal Imaging Survey of a Float Furnace for Combustion Optimisation” at the conference.

This presentation will examine an independent float glass manufacturer’s environmental emission challenge using through-port gas burners and the performance of a five-day in-furnace near-infrared thermal imaging survey. 

The two expert presenters believe this will be the first presentation of in-furnace thermal imaging in a float furnace and with the inclusion of regenerators.

They will also demonstrate how this thermal survey method can be used as a furnace optimisation and a combustion development tool.

Philippe Kerbois said: “Thermal imaging technology provides new opportunities for glass manufacturers to optimise their furnace operations, maintaining high-quality glass production, extending the campaign life of the furnace, and generating considerable savings in both cost and emissions.

“GPC 2021 is the largest glass manufacturing conference in North America, attracting industry experts from around the world, so this is the ideal forum for us to present our innovative solution using the NIR-B-2K near-infrared borescope thermal imager.”

Visit AMETEK Land’s expert team at GPC 2021 – you can register for the event, click here. 

To learn more about AMETEK Land’s innovative solutions for the glass industry, click here.

12.10.2021, AMETEK Land

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