Guardian Glass to add Jumbo laminated glass production line at Ryazan, Russia plant

To support the increasing demand for laminated glass in Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States, Guardian Glass is adding a new jumbo laminated glass production line at its Ryazan, Russia plant.

This investment supports the region’s strong growth in the commercial, residential and interior sectors and, from within those sectors, the call for glass products that address safety, security and acoustic performance.

As one of the world’s largest manufacturers of float, coated and fabricated glass products, with 26 float lines around the globe, Guardian is taking a natural step forward in its strong, longstanding laminating capability. As a result, Guardian Glass Russia will offer the region an improved product mix including SunGuard® and ClimaGuard® coatings on laminated substrates for various applications.

Rising global demand for laminated glass is driven in part by architects and building owners demanding:

“This investment illustrates our continued optimism and excitement about Guardian Glass’ expansion in Russia and the CIS,” says Guus Boekhoudt, Executive Vice President, Guardian Glass. “This project underwrites our Vision to be a preferred partner to our customers, suppliers, employees and communities based on a foundation of mutual benefit.”

“We appreciate our customers’ support and are happy to keep evolving our relationship by offering them additional product options,” adds Elena Rassudimova, General Manager, Guardian Glass Russia. “We are very proud of what our team and our partners are accomplishing in a challenging environment.”

Laminated glass production is expected to begin Q2, 2023.

16.09.2021, Guardian Glass

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