Meyer Burger plans to expand its product portfolio with innovative solar roof tiles and acquires related intellectual property



Meyer Burger Technology Ltd is planning to expand its product portfolio in the premium rooftop segment with a new product category: in addition to the high-performance solar modules already offered for standard roof-mounted installation, customers will also be offered a roof-integrated solar system.

Meyer Burger has acquired the full intellectual property related to a solar roof tile solution from a German engineering service provider specializing in innovations in photovoltaics and electric mobility, including all associated patents, certifications and German national technical approval as well as the technical know-how. The parties have agreed not to disclose terms of the transaction.

"Integrated solar roof systems still represent a market niche today. With our novel solar tile solution, we plan to take roof-integrated solutions out of the niche and into a larger market. It thus perfectly complements our portfolio of premium solar products and is another logical step within our growth strategy," said Gunter Erfurt, CEO of Meyer Burger. "There is a huge dormant potential for rooftop photovoltaics today because in many situations, standard modules are not an option for various reasons, but existing roof-integrated solutions do not represent a satisfactory solution for the customer either. Our heterojunction HJT/SmartWire technology combined with a sophisticated roof-tile system integration now enables a truly unique product." Target applications include private roof installations for new build or replacement roofing, properties in renovation and historic preservation areas, homes with limited roof loads, and roof installations with particular aesthetic requirements. Compared to competing products, Meyer Burger's planned solution offers appealing aesthetics while delivering outstanding energy yield, as well as simple assembly and maintenance for the installing roofers.

Meyer Burger plans to present the new solar roof solution at the Intersolar trade show in Munich, Germany from October 6 to 8, 2021. First deliveries are scheduled for the second half of 2022.

09.08.2021, Meyer Burger Technology Ltd

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