CWS Retained By Davis Construction For Decorative Film Installation Project

Davis Construction has hired Commercial Window Shield for a decorative/privacy film project in the nation’s capital.

The project involves a complete renovation of a 12-story building at 1275 New Jersey Ave. SE. The building will serve as the new corporate headquarters for Chemonics, a facilitator of delivering much-needed goods and services to developing countries.

There are three parts to Commercial Window Film’s assignment with Davis:

  1. Install a gradient decorative film on every conference glass wall
  2. Install a ban of privacy film on every office front
  3. Install vinyl wrap on the front and door frame of every elevator door on floors 3-11

The vinyl wrap portion of the project relates to the building’s interior color scheme. Each floor is decorated in a different color. The vinyl wrap installed on the elevator fronts will correspond to the color of each floor.

Davis began working on the building in October and expects to be finished in the fall. Commercial Window Shield begins its decorative/privacy film installation July 21. The company, as it does on all its many projects with general contractors, works closely with the on-site workers to coordinate all aspects of their project.

Commercial Window Shield is one of the country’s leading installers of decorative/privacy window films and have a particular strong history working with some of the country’s top general contractors. Previously, Davis hired Commercial Window Film to install decorative film at PBS headquarters in Arlington, Va. and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention building in Washington.

Commercial Window Shield has also completed security, solar control, RF, smart, switchable and privacy window film projects for Harvey-Cleary, HITT and Gilbane Building Co.

The company’s major focus in its nearly 40 years has been security and solar control window film installation. Its clients have included the U.S. Capitol, FBI headquarters, the Pentagon, all House of Representative and Library of Congress buildings, Grand Central Terminal, Merrill Lynch headquarters, the United Nations, the Willis [former Sears] Tower, O’Hare and Seattle international airports, and the Philadelphia and Denver mints.

26.07.2021, Davis Construction

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