Encirc’s Transparent Thinking initiative offers expert insight on biggest industry challenges

Leading glass container manufacturer, Encirc (a Vidrala company), has launched its new expert-led insight series, Transparent Thinking.

The initiative aims to outline and confront the biggest issues facing the global manufacturing and beverages sectors. It will consist of an ongoing series of think-pieces written by some of the industry’s most renowned specialists.

Transparent Thinking articles will be posted regularly online over the next year on Encirc’s website and will cover three overarching themes: Manufacturing for All, Planet-First Production, and The Race to the Smart Bottle.

Manufacturing for All will address key issues around diversity, inclusion, and the sector’s skills shortage, exploring how we can create self-sustaining cultures which inspire the next generation of manufacturers. Planet-first production looks at the biggest challenges around sustainability, responsible production and carbon reduction within the industry, and The Race to the Smart Bottle examines the future of Industry 4.0 and the ideal lifecycle of an ‘intelligent glass container’.

Leading experts from industry-shaping organisations, such as Heineken, Siemens, Diversity Mark, Carbon Intelligence, Glass Technology Services, Glass Futures will all contribute to the series, as well as Encirc’s own in-house specialists.

The first chapter of Transparent Thinking will conclude in the creation of three free-to-download whitepapers later in the year, collating the content and serving as a useful resource for those decision-makers looking to make transformative changes across their businesses.

Adrian Curry, Managing Director at Encirc stated: “At Encirc, we work with some of the sector’s most impressive thinkers and do-ers, helping us become more sustainable, more progressive, and more successful. The insight we gain through our partnerships is invaluable, and as a company, we want to share this knowledge to help support the growth of our industry. Transparent Thinking gives us the perfect opportunity to do this, helping create a better, more secure future for all.”

23.07.2021, Encirc

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