CTIEC Won EPC Contract for Building Two 800T/D Float Glass Lines & Sand Processing Line on the Same Day

On 15th June, CTIEC signed a EPC contract for building two 800t/d float glass production lines with India Gold Plus Float Glass Private Limited. Mr. Peng Shou, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Chief Engineer of China National Building Material Group Co., Ltd., President of China National Building Material Holding Co., Ltd., and Chairman of the Board of China Triumph International Engineering Co., Ltd. (CTIEC), signed the contract online with Mr. Subhash Tyagi, the Chairman of the Board of Gold Plus. This contract made the records of the largest Contract Value and largest productivity of overseas glass EPC project that adopting Chinese float glass technology and critical equipment. On the same day, Mr Peng Shou signed the contract for building 200,000ton per year silica sand processing plant with Mr Nasir, Chairman of Nasir Quality Glass Ind.Ltd.

[limg01]Gold Plus is the largest local float glass manufacturer in India. It already has two float glass production lines of 550t/d and 700t/d. In order to increase product varieties, expand production capacity, and occupy the rapidly growing Indian float glass market, it has decided to build two 800t/d float glass production lines. Since the two parties have jointly & successfully completed the renovation project of Gold Plus's 550t/d float glass line-1, Gold Plus continues to choose CTIEC, which has core technology and professional project management team in the field of float glass industry, as a partner of its new float glass production lines project. In order to start the project as soon as possible, the two parties will overcome the difficulties caused by COVID-19 to meet the demand for float glass in India and its surrounding markets.

Nasir Quality Glass Ind. Ltd is the subsidiary company of Nasir Group, which is the largest glass manufacture in Bangladesh. CTIEC and Nasir Group have long-term trust-worthy cooperation for over 20 years and this is the 9th contract that signed between the two parties. The new sand processing plant will help Nasir Group to hold and expand its glass market share in Bangladesh.

Mr Ma Liyun (President of CTIEC), Mr. He Wen (Chief Economist of CTIEC) and Mr. Yang Qingsong (Director of International Business Dept. of CTIEC) atttended the signing ceremony.

16.06.2021, China Triumph International Engineering Co.,Ltd.

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