New project in South-Central India for technology company HORN® Glass Industries AG

HSIL Ltd., Packaging Products Divison, AGI glaspac (better known as AGI) are engaged in the manufacture of high quality glass containers to meet the stringent and demanding quality standards for the packaging needs of Food, Pharmaceuticals, Soft Drinks, Spirits, Beer, Wine and other industries.

Today, AGI glaspac has positioned itself as one of the leading container glass manufacturer in the country. With two state of the art manufacturing facilities, one in Hyderabad and the other at Bhongir (Telangana) both strategically located in South – Central India.

In January 2021, HORN® received the order to build a new furnace for AGI glaspac i.e., AGI Speciality Glas Division at its Bhongir plant in South-Central India. This is a greenfield project which comprises an end fired furnace with six forehearths for the production of container glass with a melting area of 72 m². In the future the plant will produce 154 tonnes of premium flint. Different colours like emerald green and antique are also possible. The furnace will be heated by PNG (Piped Natural Gas), with HFO backup firing. Energy backup for the distributor and forehearths will be LPG.

HORN®'s scope of supply includes the planning of the refractory, the equipment for combustion, measuring and control, boosting, a new HVR® 400 batch charger for the furnace, distributor and forehearth as well as further furnace equipment. The entire construction and commissioning is finally supervised and managed by HORN® Glass Industries AG.

Shortly after the order was placed, the first video conferences for coordination talks with AGI glaspac regarding the construction of the new furnace took place. At this point we wish all parties involved a successful and trouble-free project.

26.03.2021, HORN Glass Industries AG

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