Stoelzle Glass Group acquires US glass plant

Stoelzle Glass Group acquires US glass plant

The European based Stoelzle Glass Group has acquired the Monaca, Pennsylvania glass factory from Anchor Hocking Glass Company, a wholly owned subsidiary of The Oneida Group. This transaction executed following a comprehensive sales process and closed on March 1st was announced by Georg Feith, CEO of the Stoelzle Glass Group. Terms were not disclosed.

With the Monaca, PA factory, the Austrian Stoelzle Glass Group, which serves their international customers in its four Business Units Pharma, Perfumery & Cosmetics, Spirits, and Consumer, opens their seventh glass plant and a new chapter with their first plant in the United States and the first outside Europe.

“Our clear focus on manufacturing, service excellence and 200 years of experience led us to a global leading position and will ensure stability and business continuity to all customers of the Monaca plant,” explains August Grupp, President of Stoelzle USA Inc.

The Stoelzle Glass USA Inc. has lined up with the clear ambition of achieving outstanding results for and with the customer. Therefore, Stoelzle is bundling their experts and highly experienced specialists together with a tremendous amount of investments and modernization in the next years to secure sustainable growth, paired with fulfilling the highest quality expectations to all customers and becoming the leading supplier for high quality glass containers in the United States and North America.

Stoelzle Glass Group is one of the leading international producers of high-end packaging glass for the SPIRITS, CONSUMER, PERFUMERY & COSMETICS and PHARMA – markets. With now 7 glass production sites, 3 decoration sites, and a total of 3100 employees, Stoelzle is a one-stop-shop for glass packaging development, production, decoration and closures. Proud of the 200 years of successful glass making history, the acquisition of the Monaca glass plant is the first step to ensure the next 200 years of family run Stoelzle business.

06.03.2021, Stoelzle Glass Group

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