Save the date of glasstec from 15-18 June 2021 as most important trade fair in your calendar
With the current situation and the health and safety of all in mind, glasstec is preparing the leading international platform for the international glass industry.
Messe Düsseldorf is creating all the conditions necessary for successful trade fairs - with the great support of the industries and their trade associations - and they would like to give you the time and opportunity to concentrate on the extraordinary tasks you are currently facing. For this reason, glasstec is postponing the official date of admission for exhibitors at glasstec to 24 February 2021.
This means: gaining time to be able to better evaluate the situation at a later date with more knowledge.
glasstec is now planning for 2021 with the following dates:
24 February 2021 - Admission
03 March 2021 - Accounting
Take advantage of the success potential of glasstec to meet your existing partners in person in turbulent times and win new customers.
The glasstec team sends its sincerest thanks for all the confidence you have placed in them in 2020 and wishes you and your families a relaxing holiday season and a healthy New Year!
Stay healthy and best regards.
Your glasstec team
From 18 December 2020 we will go into shutdown. From January we will be back again and will be available for any questions, requests or suggestions.
Current information, also on the safety and hygiene concept of Messe Düsseldorf, can be found here.
14.12.2020, glasstec / Messe Düsseldorf
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