Forglass begins construction of furnace for Stoelzle

Polish glass engineering company Forglass is to supply the new furnace for Stoelzle’s Masnieres Parfumerie plant in northern France.

We reported last week that the perfume and cosmetics glass manufacturer is to invest €20 million in a plant upgrade, with the furnace anticipated to be ready for production by January 2021.

Stoelzle’s Masnieres Parfumerie is a specialist in extra white flint glass packaging for clients from the perfumery and cosmetic market.

Forglass will supply its technology in the design construction and commissioning of the furnace.

It will include the combustion system, electric boost, cooling system, steel structure and five complete forehearths, all manufactured in three Forglass facilities in Poland and ready for installation in France.

Having completed the design phase of the project, Forglass is set to begin the construction phase before the end of the year.

According to Forglass, its technology guarantees unmatched quality of flint and forehearth coloured glass - important for Stoelzle’s demanding clients.

The new furnace will provide increased glass pull – a difficult goal to reach due to the large number of important and technologically advanced machinery available to glass producers. Forglass has addressed it with several solutions.

The furnace will also be more energy-efficient and therefore help in reducing the glassworks’ environmental impact and support the constant drive for sustainable glass production.

20.10.2020, Forglass

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