Dellner Bubenzer Group expands into glass through Romag acquisition

Sweden’s Dellner Bubenzer Group is continuing its rapid expansion with the creation of a new UK company, Dellner Romag Ltd, that will focus on the manufacture and supply of specialist glass and glazing products for the global rail, transport, security and architectural markets.
The new company, which has been formed following Dellner Bubenzer’s purchase of the assets of Romag Ltd, will continue operating from the 125,000 sq ft manufacturing facility in Consett, County Durham and a sales office in Berlin. It is planned that Romag’s 100+ staff will transfer across to the new company. Dellner Romag Ltd will work closely alongside the Dellner Bubenzer Group’s UK-based Dellner Polymer Solutions (DPS) division and both companies will be led by CEO Mikael Petersson. 

Mr Petersson said: “Glass is a new product area for Dellner, but it complements our polymer solutions business perfectly. Particularly in the rail industry, we will now be able to supply vibration control, polymer and glazing solutions as a single, integrated package, to new and existing customers alike. Through the Berlin sales office, we are also looking to strengthen supply of our polymer and vibration control solutions in the European market.” Marcus Aberg, CEO of the Dellner Bubenzer Group, said: “We are delighted to be continuing our strategic growth with the creation of Dellner Romag Ltd. As Dellner and Romag are both family businesses with a skilled workforce, a 75 year history of technical innovation and a strong focus on quality and service, Romag’s customers are assured of a seamless transition. We are looking forward to building sustained, long-term relationships with customers and to offering them an integrated service from the Dellner companies.”

Dellner Romag Ltd will be providing a wide range of glass and glazing products to a global client base. Key products include:
•    Rail rolling stock - internal and external windows, luggage racks and partitions
•    Vehicles - windscreens and vision panels
•    Security - bullet, fire and physical resistant glass
•    Architectural - shaped, tinted, coated, toughened and structural glass for buildings


•    Sweden’s Dellner Bubenzer Group has purchased the assets of Romag Ltd following the company’s administration on Monday 10 August. The manufacture of solar panels, which formed part of Romag’s business, is not included in the purchase.
•    The Dellner Bubenzer Group specialises in the manufacture and supply of technically advanced braking products and polymer solutions to a global market. The fast growing group incorporates Sweden’s Dellner Brakes AB, Germany’s Pintsch Bubenzer GmbH, Italy’s Rima Srl and, in the UK, Dellner Polymer Solutions (incorporating Dellner Woodville Ltd and Dellner Silentbloc Ltd) and Dellner Romag Ltd.
•    The group has 600 employees and operates globally in the following sectors: material handling, mining, rail, marine, industrial, defence, vehicle, off-highway, oil, gas, wind energy, power generation, chemical processing, architecture and furniture. The group has facilities in Sweden, UK, Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, Poland, USA, Dubai, India, Malaysia, Singapore and China.  


For more information, see and 


14.08.2020, dellner romag

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