VPInstruments supplies VP74 Flow Sensor to emergency ventilator prototypes of OperationAIR

VPInstruments has proudly supplied the VP74 Flow Sensor to the OperationAIR initiative to support worldwide the need for ventilators due to COVID-19. 

OperationAIR is a student team of Delft University of Technology that developed an emergency ventilator for COVID-19 patients: the AIRone. The initiative started on March 16, 2020, with the aim to develop a simple and relatively easy producible ventilator. Shortly after, VPInstruments came into contact with the OperationAIR team and supported with the supply of the flow sensors.

Each AIRone ventilator features a VP74 Flow Sensor; the sensor measures the flow going out of the patient. The flow meter consists of VPInstruments’ proprietary silicon ThermabridgeTM flow sensor and an integrated microcontroller. The design of the flow sensor’s Wheatstone bridge enables both flow and direction measurement and is combined with a heater. The flow sensor’s housing was designed and executed in matter of weeks for the AIRone ventilator and features a 22 mm process connection (in compliance with ISO 5356).

VP74 Flow Sensor features:

At present stage, VPInstruments has supplied multiple VP74 flow sensors for the prototypes of theAIRone. The AIRone has been extensively tested on functionality, electrical and mechanical safety, and usability. Currently the design of the AIRone, including the use of the VP74 Flow Sensor, is available on the website of OperationAIR free to use for the entire world.  

29.05.2020, VPInstruments

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