Analysis of the current state and growth prospects of the glass industry until 2025. The development of consumption and production. Training issues.

The organizer of a large-scale event is the Association of StekloSouz of Russia.

More than 200 delegates and guests from 18 countries arrived at the congress of heads of glass enterprises.

The purpose of the scientific and practical conference: to show the current state of the glass industry and development goals for the next 6 years.

In a report, Osipov Viktor Ivanovich, president of the StekloSouz Russia, showed three main goals:

  1. Guaranteed satisfaction of any customer requirements;
  2. Harmonious development of consumption;
  3. Social stability and industrial development of subjects.

Viktor Ivanovich in his report said: “We believe that this specialized forum is another serious step towards the harmonious development of the glass industry. Fulfillment of the set goals will make it possible to provide any inquiries of consumers of glass products. Cooperation with the global glass community is guaranteed to create the conditions for the implementation of the tasks.

Currently, there is an active development of the global glass market. A significant proportion of glass and products is exported. The geography of deliveries is growing on all continents of the globe. The development of sales indicates that domestic glass, for various sectors of the national economy of consumer countries, meets all consumer requirements and international standards.

The acquired positions must be constantly maintained, combining efforts on clear technological parameters. "Export will overcome the systemic crisis with a high probability of consolidating the position of glass enterprises in the markets of consumer countries."

He drew the attention of plant managers to the need to pay more attention to the younger generation of young people, to target the latter to enroll in specialized higher educational institutions. It is necessary to instill a love of the glass profession, starting from kindergarten and school. For this, it is necessary to organize master classes in educational institutions, and for high school students in enterprises.

Given that glass factories are mainly city-forming - this will help maintain the continuity of labor dynasties.

A systematic approach in this work will allow overcoming personnel “hunger”.

In addition, it is necessary to continue systematic training and retraining of personnel, expanding the themes of training programs.

The participants of the Forum were greeted by the chambers of the Federal Assembly, relevant ministries, departments and federal industry associations - consumers of glass and glass products.

In their reports, international experts showed the main trends in the development of the global glass industry.

14.12.2019, StekloSouz

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