Tiama and Bucher Emhart Glass collaborate on an industry standard for laser marks

Tiama, Emhart and other major glass industry players are collaborating to define a standard for laser marks on glass containers. This standardization ensures a worldwide unique laser code on each glass container. To facilitate such a standard, Tiama grants Bucher Emhart Glass a royalty to its patents, which secure the possibility to include information about the originating cavity and/or mold number in the laser mark on the glass container.

This standard code will enable the traceability of each glass container through its whole lifecycle herewith giving many benefits to consumers, glass producers, fillers and other glass industry players. These benefits will increase the competitiveness of glass as the preferred and sustainable packaging material even further. Max Hodeau Martin Jetter CEO President www.tiama.com www.emhartglass.com

About Bucher Emhart Glass

Bucher Emhart Glass, a division of Bucher Industries AG, is headquartered in Cham, Switzerland, with offices and manufacturing facilities located throughout the world. The company is a leading supplier of forming machines, inspection machines, controls, and parts to the glass container industry.

About Tiama

Tiama is a French company with headquarters in Vourles, France and subsidiaries in different parts of the world. The company is a world leader in providing inspection and quality control solutions for the glass packaging industry.

06.09.2019, Bucher Emhart Glass

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