Excellent:cLPKF technology enables folding of glass displays

LIDE Technology Receives Award at Display Week in California

LPKF's LIDE technology resonated with great success at this year's Dis-play Week in San Jose, California. Thin glass backplanes, used for exam-ple in mobile phone displays, can be made foldable using this technology. This makes LIDE an excellent new opportunity to further miniaturize es-pecially mobile devices.

The production of foldable glass displays has been a great challenge so far. The processing of the so-called backplane with Laser Induced Deep Etching (LIDE) technology now enables manufacturers to come a big step closer to realizing long-lasting foldable displays. Thanks to LIDE, former material- and construction-related obstacles are a thing of the past.

The manufacturer can now combine the advantages of thick, rigid glass with those of thin, flexible glass: The laser-modified glass passes through the production process as a stable substrate and subsequently becomes lo-cally flexible for folding.

LPKF's development received the SID Honorary Award at the trade fair. The Society for Information Display (SID) created a forum for innovations in the I-zone of the fair. Here, the latest developments and prototypes of products for the future were presented, the most remarkable of which were awarded.

This award underlines that LIDE is considered to be a technology of the future. Under the Vitrion brand, LPKF offers a production service as well as support in R & D projects for thin glass micromaterial processing. 

30.08.2019, LPKF Laser & Electronics AG

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