ROSS CONTROLS® Announces Parts & Services Agreement with Verallia

ROSS CONTROLS® is pleased to announce that manufactIS GmbH (mIS), a wholly owned subsidiary of ROSS®, has entered into a multi-year licensing and cooperation agreement with Verallia. Effective May 5, 2019, mIS is the exclusive worldwide licensee of intellectual property for all mechanical spare parts, mechanisms and assemblies for all GPS brand machines, and Verallia preferred supplier of spare parts and repair support services for all GPS brand machines operated by Verallia. In addition, mIS can also provide spare parts, mechanisms and assemblies, as well as repair support services for GPS machines that are operated by other companies producing hollow glass containers. The agreement between the mIS and Verallia capitalizes on mIS’ long-standing and thorough understanding of GPS technology. As part of the agreement, mIS will be relocating to the former GPS facility in Essen, Germany.

ROSS has a long history of supporting the glass container industry. With proven poppet technology, ROSS/FLEX® design capability, and quality services provided by the mIS service team, ROSS is a true single source partner to the glass industry around the world. The range of services offered covers competent support in the rationalization and modernization of machinery, assembly and system integration of the widely successful ROSS 21-Valve Block, economical solutions to customer-specific logistics challenges, conversion of conventional pneumatics to state-of-the-art “plug-and-play” proportional technology, and much more.

16.08.2019, manufactIS / Ross Controls

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