Sibelco acquires Macoglass S.r.l

Industrial specialty minerals group Sibelco confirmed that it has officially acquired Macoglass S.r.l, a glass recycler located close to Milan, Italy.

The Macoglass plants cover an area of over 50,000 m², with well-advanced technologies for the authorised processing of 210,000 tons per year of various kinds of glass cullet intended for recycling by the glass industry, thereby saving on raw materials and energy.

Eugenio Coti Zelati, owner of Macoglass, said: “The family is very happy to see the business we have built over 3 generations handed over to Sibelco. We are confident Sibelco is the right future owner to further grow and foster the business.”

The acquisition of Macoglass S.r.l will complement Sibelco’s existing presence in the Venice area, enhancing its position in the recycling sector, while improving its ability to partner with local customers to support future growth.

Pieterjan Goedertier, Vice President of Recycling at Sibelco, said: “Our customers face substantial challenges to secure secondary raw materials in the Italian market. The acquisition of Macoglass will allow us to address these challenges and to become a partner in our customers’ growth journey.”

Ilse Kenis, Executive Vice-President of Water and Environmental Solutions at Sibelco, said: “The acquisition of Macoglass supports Sibelco’s ambitious growth strategy and fits our purpose of ‘Material solutions advancing life’. Together with Macoglass, we look forward to pursuing further growth in recycling and we welcome the Macoglass team to the Sibelco family.”

Sibelco’s Water & Environmental Solutions Business Unit is structured around two Business Lines – Recycling and, Filtration & Performance Reactants – and is focused on solutions to meet the growing global challenges posed by water scarcity and the need to do more with fewer natural resources.

09.08.2019, Sibelco

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