The SGD Pharma group and its shareholder JIC, announce an investment of more than 20 million euros to rebuild the furnace and modernize the century-ol

The Sucy-en-Brie factory, 400 employees, has been dedicated to producing pharmaceutical bottles since 1917.

The factory supplies syrups, droppers, tablets, injectable and infusion bottles to over 450 customers around the world and cover the following therapeutic areas: oral and parenteral antibiotics, parenteral nutrition, respiratory illness, pain-relievers, anesthetics, and OTC. Every year, 80,000 tons of Type II & III flint and amber molded glass bottles are produced there, making this factory one of the biggest players in the European health care industry. Its 41,000 m2 surface includes ISO 8 clean rooms, two furnaces, and 8 production lines. The factory is ISO 15378 & 50001 certified.

After 12 years of operation, one furnace will be completely rebuilt, enlarged, and elevated to the same level as the second one. This work, which will require a change in the building’s superstructure, will allow a more economical operation with a 10% reduction in energy consumption as well as a reduced environmental footprint with a 10% decrease in emissions into the environment.

The production lines will all be modernized with the latest technologies. Finally, newly acquired inspection line and control equipment will improve the detection of anomalies. Benefits for customers: An improvement in the industrial performance of the site delivering superior quality, increased production flexibility, and greater adaptation to market needs. The work, scheduled to begin in the summer of 2020, will take two months, during which SGD Pharma will rely on its other production sites to fulfill orders. SGD Pharma continually strengthens its operational excellence to provide quality products, reliable service to its customers and ensure patient safety.

11.06.2019, SGD Pharma

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