Saint Gobain Opens New Manufacturing Plants in India

Saint-Gobain opened a new flat glass production line (float) in India located in Sriperumbudur, near Chennai, India, at a ceremony attended by Pierre-André de Chalendar, Chairman and CEO of Compagnie de Saint-Gobain. This new state-of-the-art facility was built within the Saint-Gobain World Glass Complex, a 70-hectare industrial site which already includes two floats, two coaters, advanced glass processing units for the construction industry, fire safety and the automotive industry (Sekurit), as well as a mirror line.
This float manufactures in particular clear, tinted and solar-control reflective glass and primarily serves the domestic demand which is growing at a rate of 8% per annum in the country.

To meet the Group’s environmental commitments, the float is equipped with a high-technology furnace which reduces energy consumption by 15% and CO2 emissions by 13% compared to the latest generations of furnaces installed. It also has a tank for harvesting rainwater which is partly used in the industrial process. Finally, photovoltaic panels are being installed on the roof of the plant to generate 3.5 MW power. This new production line represents a €115m investment and complements Saint-Gobain’s industrial glass facilities in India, which also include a float in Bhiwadi (Rajasthan) and another in Jhagadia (Gujarat).
Thanks to this regional network of manufacturing plants, Saint-Gobain is strengthening its position as the leader in flat glass in the country and continues its development strategy in high-growth regions.

25.03.2019, Saint Gobain Opens New Manufacturing Plants in India

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