AGR International, Inc. announces new sales organization for Latin America

As of January 14, 2019, Ms. Marta de la Torre has been named Regional Director of Sales and Service for Latin America.  A 20 year veteran of the Agr organization, Ms. de la Torre has vast experience in these regions with her former role as Sales Regional Manager.  She has successfully provided knowledge of quality assurance and process control to the glass, plastic and packaging industries in the region.

Latin America continues to offer development in the packaging markets, evident with significant growth in Agr’s customer base within this area.  Following the opening of Agr Packaging Services in Mexico and to better support this growing customer base, Agr made the decision to advance the role of Ms. de la Torre as well as expand the sales force in the region with the addition of Mr. Sergio Ruiz.  Mr. Ruiz comes to Agr following 10 years in process, project and sales engineering in the region.   In addition, Mr. Israel Hernandez and his team of factory-trained service engineers continue to provide installation, service support and training to meet the needs of the customers within the area.  Maintaining a local presence of Agr personnel is central to this market with the ability to respond to customer needs in a timely and cost-effective fashion.

Agr International Inc. develops and manufactures a full line of laboratory and on-line testing/measurement devices for containers and similar products.  The Agr headquarters and main manufacturing facility is located in Butler, PA, USA.  Agr is committed to provide the container, filling and packaging industries with the most technologically advanced products available for quality control and productivity improvement.  

28.01.2019, AGR International, Inc.

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